Online Writing - Improving Search Engine Results

6 tips for getting better Search Engine Results for Online Articles

Online Writing - Improving Search Engine Results
Image Source - Original Image - Created & Owned by the Author
Search Engine Algorithms of today make sure to reward good quality content which is useful for the readers. Once you’ve produced good content and published it, you might still find it on the 3rd or 4th page where it’s not as visible to your readers as you would obviously want it to be. Although Google uses complicated search engine algorithms, which makes it difficult to guarantee anything, but here are 6 tips to improve your article's Search Engine Results.

Introduction - New Age, Quality Lover Search Engines 

Modern Search Engine Algorithms make sure to reward good quality content which is truly useful for their users. Unethical tactics like keyword stuffing are fast becoming caveman’s stories - they do more harm than benefit to your online rapport as a publisher.

However, even after producing some good content and publishing it, you might still find it on the 3rd or the 4th page - not easily accessible to your potential readers. Although Google (and other search engines) uses complicated search engine algorithms, which makes it difficult to guarantee anything, still there are rules of thumb, use these as guidelines to improve your article’s listing.

1. Be careful about Spammy Elements

Intentional or unintentional spam refers any of these:

a. Content which is either unrelated to the title. 

b. You're trying to deceive Search Engines by stuffing unrelated keywords into your content.


Your (meta*) description is just imperfect for your content.

If your readers find your content deceptive, below standard and/or useless - they would hit the back button (or close the window) in no time which would lead to a higher bounce rate. On the other hand, high-quality content as promised by the summary (the abstract or teaser which appears on google search page) will lead to a lower bounce rate, improving the rapport of your content with search engines. 

It's important to understand that, your article could be very good, but your summary might clearly specify your article’s content - this might be unintentional, but it’s spamming nonetheless.

*meta Description Tag -- This is an important tag. Put precise and compact summary of your content here. Search engines index your URL and pay a lot of attention to this, it's just like your content's intro.

2. Avoid overuse of Keywords 

It's good practice to choose relevant keywords which are important in your articles and place them in title and headings, and also in the description - but don't overuse them - it's called keyword stuffing, and it's highly irritating for readers. Make sure that even after inserting your keywords, the article reads naturally. 

A good way to ensure this is to read your articles aloud, preferably in front of an audience, may be a friend, and check if the placement of tags sound natural and make sure your articles have not become annoying collections of tags which irritate your readers. 

3. Create Quality Contextual Backlinks

High-quality contextual backlinks are links referring to your content - placed on pages which are relevant/related to your content, can also create a difference. If there are a lot of pages with good page rank referring to your domain/page, it will lead to a better page rank which in turn positively impacts your search engine ranking. This is not very easy to achieve. You could try related forums, comment on related blogs etc. But do it in a manner that the website admins don't get mad and throw you away. Try to help genuinely, and things would be good.

If you place the links on irrelevant pages, with deceptive hypertext - be ready for the great fall, higher the bounce rate, lower the article rank.

4. Give it some Time - The Tortoise would win - And be sociable

Be patient, no matter how good the search engine algorithm is, it will take some time to list and correctly rank your content. In the meanwhile, try to direct some traffic - use social networking sites wisely for the same. Share it with your friends and followers with appealing recommendations. Search related communities/pages/groups and join them and Post links there. Apart from Facebook and Google+, Pinterest is also a great place to share articles, if your article has great attractive images.

5. Keywords research - Learn from the History

Research for keywords in your already published articles. Although this would sound so trivial, you would be surprised when you see how web surfers enter keywords and how different they can be from your expectations. Your experience and continual research would lead to wisely selected keywords and their natural, yet precise search engine friendly placement. Moreover, analyzing the traffic and the keywords which brought that traffic to your website might tell you that your keywords are misdirecting, and the people visiting your website via the Search Results are not finding the content relevant. You can make corrections accordingly and reduce the bounce rate.  

You could get great suggestions for keywords if you use Google Analytics for this purpose.

6. Use High-quality Related Media

Adding good relevant images/graphs/diagrams or videos to your articles lead to some additional traffic from image search. This would, in turn, improve your article’s ranking steadily in time.

Use images with apt alt, title, description (remember the text on the page is also relevant for search engine listing of images) You could start getting traffic from Google image search! Moreover, your content would also become Pinterest friendly.


Remember, even after polishing, long lasting sparkle requires a diamond as a raw material in first place. If you’re sure you’ve found your diamond i.e. high-quality content, and you think it’s not sparkling enough - go ahead and polish your diamond (keyword placement), invite people to add appreciative glow (social networks/forums) and include the rating/reference (Backlinks/likes/plus ones/repins)

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