A Focus Keyword Helps Rank Your Page Higher in Google

To apply a focus keyword in your column is a step to optimize your post. It helps rank your article page higher in Google search as well as helps people to find your post online. This is what I have learned when I started blogging with WordPress and I would like to share it here the process how to produce article with good SEO score.
In cooking, the chef needs some ingredients to make his recipe as tasty and yummy to bite. While in writing article, the writer needs also the best dress for his product. He has to apply a focus keyword that is not yet used on his other write-ups. He would use it in the article title, in the URL of his article, in the first paragraph of his article and apply it to the rest of the article, in the meta description of his article, in the caption and in the alt text description of the photo that he would use for his article as well as use it as one of the article tags.
Yes. You writer should write your article with good grammar and with relevant contents as they are necessary to attract online crawlers to crawl to your article pages but you should consider also the importance of a focus keyword to be applied in your article. The focus keyword would help your article to rank higher in Google search according to SEO experts.
A focus keyword is a word that relate about an event, a name of a person, a place, a character, an attitude, about hobby, and etc. A single focus keyword to use it in your original article is enough to produce a good SEO score.
In this article, the focus keyword I would use is the word "Focus". The word focus as noun means the center of interest or activity. It is also the state or quality of having clear visual definition with synonyms of focal point, spotlight, target, core, limelight, polestar and point of convergence and many more. You can see it that this keyword I use for this article is found in the article title, in the permalink of this article, in the first paragraph and in the rest of the article. I would also use it as one of the tags for this write-up. It is just a word but I found it interesting because it is like the blood vein where the life of the article flows.
However, you writer should remember also that no matter how beautiful you produced your article with images and videos you included on it, with relevant contents as drinks and foods that search engine crawlers are looking for in every article page or you produced article with good SEO score - you should not ignore the power of sharing your article to the different social networks available online as well as to submit your article to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
There are many interesting ways to end your story. Three of the most important ones will be presented and analyzed in this article..