After you have written a mindboggling article, you need to make sure that you market it correctly. This will ensure that people read it and your article generates significant amount of web traffic. Blogging is an ultra-modern and very powerful concept that allows you to publish your thoughts on the web and gain huge amount of fans and followers.
You can use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to market your articles. An alternative approach would be to post links of your article on sites like and
After you have written a mindboggling article, you need to make sure that you market it correctly. This will ensure that people read it and your article generates significant amount of web traffic. Blogging is an ultra-modern and very powerful concept that allows you to publish your thoughts on the web and gain huge amount of fans and followers.
You can use social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to market your articles. An alternative approach would be to post links of your article on sites like and
If you have some money then you can use It is an innovative & powerful marketing tool. You can also join groups and forums and get linked to specific people, who are looking out for your published information.
All these strategies play a very significant role in marketing your articles online.
There are a lot of websites that allow you to publish your articles. You should submit your articles only to genuine and reputed websites. There are some sites like Brad Callen's free Article Submitter that allow you to submit your articles to a rich set of nominated directories.
If you are a creative writer then you can submit your articles to the below websites for guaranteed high traffic.
1. is an excellent publishing website that deals with quality articles. It reviews your articles by experts and helps in effective marketing of excellent ideas.
2. launches an extra-ordinary platform for writers across the globe to share their feelings, opinions, inferences and messages. It is an extremely innovative website that allows writers to accept or reject requests from different publishers.
3. is tuned effectively for search engine optimization and helps publicising your articles and press releases. This unique site provides all high quality articles a splendid marketing platform.
4. is another economical marketing website and deals with a wide range of articles.
5. is a very conventional article marketing site that it helps you to publish articles belonging to different groups.
6. is a versatile article marketing site that encourages talented writers and experts to demonstrate their skills. The validation process is stringent and depends on the acceptance provided by a panel of specialists.
7. specializes in 'How-to' guides. It is an article promoting site custom-made to suit companies of all sizes.
8. is a seamless article marketing website for those who have time constraints. Articles can be as small as 3 lines.
9. is another typical article marketing site that assists in easy marketing of your articles.
10. helps to publish your articles within its user community and generate more web traffic.
11. is slightly different from most article publishing websites as it deals with reserving your article for an exclusive group of audience. This helps in limiting the nature of competition.
12. publishes your articles and provides you 70% of the earned revenue. It is an extremely good site for newcomers to article marketing.
13. is a quality article marketing website dedicated for expert and skilled writers. They review your previous work before publishing any of your articles through their site.
14. In, you can send your articles via email. They float your articles across a large pool of viewers for their feedback. This helps to increase overall publicity of your articles.
15. deals with the concept of revenue sharing. Each writer creates his unique content that can be graded by other writers.
16. is another perfect website that allows to publish your knowledge and interact with other experts to enhance your talent.
17. allows publishing of top-notch content and provides a great article marketing platform for small businesses and upcoming writers.
18. provides an excellent beginning for newcomers in the field of article publishing.
19. is a paid website that effectively markets your articles for some nominal fees. It is tied with the top search engines for search engine optimization.
There are a lot of other article marketing sites like,,, and
These sites make the art of marketing your articles simpler and help you generate significant income
There are many interesting ways to end your story. Three of the most important ones will be presented and analyzed in this article..